Ron Desmett: Hollowed Truths

Ron Desmett (1948-2016) dedicated his life to the creation and promotion of glass art, and left behind an extraordinary and hauntingly beautiful legacy, one utterly unique in the world of glass.

“Ron Desmett had the idea that he wanted to cast glass vessels in wood. Not unusual, since wood has been used in making molds for glass for centuries. But Desmett has an interesting twist on the old-fashioned idea. He wanted to blow glass into the hollowed tree trunks of rotting walnut trees.”                                                                                                     –Kurt Shaw, Pittsburg Tribune

At the request of his wife, Kathleen Mulcahy, fellow glass artist and co-founder of the Pittsburgh Glass Center, and in honor of a life exploring and expanding the creative boundaries of glass, Alfstad& Contemporary is privileged to display his final works.